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Drum & Bass Dnb Template Mainstream FL Studio 20 – Production – Edm Production

Drum & Bass Dnb Template Mainstream FL Studio 20

I present to you a small powerful dnb project. It clearly shows how to build drums and bass in this powerful style FL Studio 20.9

Also you will find a bass preset remade by me on the Hybrid 3 synthesizer and two remade presets on Spire.You only need two third-party synth plugins
1. Hybrid 3 (3.0.7)
2. Spire (1.5.11)


In this project you will find my exclusive drum sounds such as kick, snare and hats loops.
Fl Studio Template (3.6mb)
Only two third party plugins involved
1. Hybrid 3 (3.0.7)
2. Spire (1.5.11)
.zip File : 14.Mb
Everything else is done on standard FL Studio 20 plugins

Download Project Files  : Link

You’ve found this page because of Tags:  dnb, drumnbass, drum and bass, preset, oneshots, drum & bass, drum&bass, punch, drums, fast.